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Labeling Chats

Using Labeles for your Chats

Using labels is one of the most useful features for business usage of your Shared Inbox. It helps to group chats by the topic, create custom lists and filter out chats by different criteria.

Labeling a single chat

To label a single chat from the All Chats view:

  1. Hower over a chat you want to label
  2. In the floating menu click Lables button
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3. In a new window Add/Edit label start typing the name you want to give to a new label or select from the drop-down menu an existing tag.

4. Press Update

5. The tags will appear next to the relevant chats indicated with green color.

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To label a single chat from the particular chat view:

  1. Go to a single chat and navigate to the action panel on the right

2a. If the chat is not labeled yet, click the green + button to add a Label

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Adding a label to a chat without any labels

2b. If the chat was labeled before and has some labels, click on the labels to update existing ones.

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Adding a label to a chat with previously added labels

3. In a new Add/edit labels window select labels from the list of existing or tape a name of a new tag and press Create Label stripe that appeared in the drop-down below.

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Creating a new label and adding an existing one

4. Press Update and check the added labels.

Adding labels to selected chats

You can add labels to selected chats. It’s useful if you need to work with a big number of chats.

To add a label to selected chats:

  1. Select relevant chats by check marking them on the left side of the list of chats
  2. Navigate to the tool bar on the top of the list of chats
  3. Click Lables button
  4. In a new window Add/Edit label start typing the name you want to give to a new label or select from the drop-down menu an existing tag.
  5. Press Update
  6. The tags will appear next to the relevant chats indicated with green color.
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Use Labels for Filtering Chats

Use Labels to create Filtered view of your chats.

Learn how filters work in the article below:

Applying Filters To The Chat View

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Deleting a Label

You can delete a label from the All chats view two ways: in a hover over menu and in the toolbar on top of all chats.

Delete a label from the All chats in a hover over menu:

  1. In All chats view navigate to the chat which you want to update.
  2. In the hover over menu on the right click Label button.

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Labels editing from hover over menu

3. In the appeared window navigate to the previously added labels

4. Click on the small x on the left side of the label you want to delete

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Deleting a label

5. Click Update

Delete a label from the All chats from the toolbar on top:

  1. Select a chat by checkmarking it from the list of chats
  2. Navigate to the top of All chats view
  3. In the toolbar click the Labels button
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Labels editing from the toolbar

4. In the appeared window navigate to the previously added labels

5. Click on the small x on the left side of the label you want to delete

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