How to Integrate ActiveCampaign & WhatsApp in Simple Steps

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Multi-number WhatsApp management and integration platform

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In today’s world, good marketing catches your eye, doesn’t it? 

Imagine you’re on WhatsApp and you get a message about a great deal just when you’re looking through your messages. It’s hard to ignore, right? Well, that’s what happens when ActiveCampaign, a big player in marketing automation, teams up with WhatsApp, the chat app we all use. It’s like having a super powerful tool in your marketing toolkit.

In this blog, we will talk about how ActiveCampaign and WhatsApp Integration can help your business and then walk through a step-by-step process to set it up.

Why Combine ActiveCampaign with WhatsApp? 

By combining ActiveCampaign with WhatsApp, you can send messages that are just for your customers right to their WhatsApp. They don’t have to search through emails anymore. Whether it’s a great deal, a reminder about an event, or just saying hi, it goes straight to where you know they’ll see it. This combination makes your marketing even better, turning every message into a chance to make a sale or get people interested.

Benefits of Integrating ActiveCampaign with WhatsApp

Integrating ActiveCampaign with WhatsApp can bring a host of benefits to your business, elevating not only how you engage with your audience but also enhancing overall campaign performance. Here’s a look at some key advantages:

  • Increased Open Rates: WhatsApp messages have a significantly higher open rate compared to emails. By integrating WhatsApp notifications into your ActiveCampaign strategies, you’re likely to see a notable boost in how many people actually see and engage with your messages.
  • Personalized Customer Experience: WhatsApp allows for personalized, direct communication with your audience. This integration lets you tailor messages based on user behavior and preferences tracked in ActiveCampaign, making every interaction feel one-on-one and genuine.
  • Improved Engagement: The convenience and familiarity of WhatsApp for users mean they’re more likely to interact with your content. Whether it’s responding to a poll, clicking a link, or replying to a query, engagement levels can soar.  Check: How to integrate WhatsApp and Slack?
  • Real-time Communication: Instant messaging beats email when it comes to timeliness. Notify customers about urgent updates, promotions, or reminders that they’ll see and act on straight away, enhancing the customer experience and potentially increasing conversion rates.
  • Automation Meets Conversation: ActiveCampaign’s automation capabilities combined with WhatsApp’s conversational interface create a powerhouse for automated yet personal communications. From welcome sequences to follow-ups, every message can be automated without losing the personal touch.
  • Feedback and Surveys: Gathering feedback is seamless with WhatsApp’s intuitive interface. Use ActiveCampaign to trigger automated messages asking for feedback after a purchase or interaction, making it easy for customers to respond.
  • Streamlined Customer Support: Offer support where your customers are. Integrating ActiveCampaign with WhatsApp means tap into detailed customer data for support queries, delivering faster, more effective assistance.
  • Broad Reach, Low Cost: WhatsApp allows you to reach a global audience without the hefty price tag of international SMS messages. Together with ActiveCampaign, you can target a vast audience at a fraction of traditional marketing costs.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: With all the above benefits working in tandem, you’re not just improving engagement; you’re also setting the stage for higher conversion rates. Personalized, timely interactions guided by ActiveCampaign’s insights drive actions, from purchases to sign-ups.
  • Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Regular, relevant, and engaging communication builds trust and loyalty over time. Customers feel valued and heard, creating a stronger emotional connection to your brand.

In essence, integrating ActiveCampaign with WhatsApp isn’t just an upgrade to your marketing toolkit; it’s a strategic move towards more engaging, efficient, and personalized customer interactions. 

How to Integrate ActiveCampaign and WhatsApp?

Businesses can integrate ActiveCampaign and WhatsApp through several third-party integration services. In this blog, we’ll focus on achieving this functionality using TimelinesAI and its seamless integration with Zapier. So let’s get started.

How to Integrate ActiveCampaign and WhatsApp using TimelinesAI?

First, sign in to your TimelinesAI account and ensure your WhatsApp Business profile is connected. Then, start with the integration process.

Step 1: Go to Zapier. From there, click on the “Create” button 

Step 2: Click on “Zaps” —–> then “Trigger”

Step 3: Next, you get to choose the services you want. In this, we’re picking ActiveCampaign because we want to connect both ActiveCampaign and TimelinesAI. Just type “ActiveCampaign” and click on it to move forward.

Step 4: A new window will pop up where you can choose what action will start the automation. You’ll see a list of options based on the services you picked. Just click on “Custom Object Record Deleted” to select it.

Step 5: Click on “Account” —> “Sign in”

Step 6: A new window will then open, allowing you to connect your ActiveCampaign Account.

Step 7: Now, to link TimelinesAI with ActiveCampaign, just click on the “Action” button

Step 8: Type “Timelines AI” and then click on “TimelinesAI (Latest)”

Step 9: Click the dropdown menu under “Event”. You’ll see a list of actions you can choose from. From there, select “Send message to New Chat”.

Step 10: Click on “Account” —> “Sign in”, You’ll see a new window where you can link your TimelinesAI account by entering your Token.

And there you have it! you’ve just made a big move on how you talk to your customers. By connecting ActiveCampaign with WhatsApp using TimelinesAI, you’ve opened up a great way to talk to people directly. This means you can reach them where they’re most active and make your marketing more interactive.

Remember, this isn’t just about setting up technology. It’s about making your conversations with customers better. Now, you can send messages at the right time, start chats right away, and even send personalized messages on WhatsApp.

As you start using this, try different kinds of messages to see what people like best. Keep an eye on how many people are talking to you and how many are buying things. With ActiveCampaign and WhatsApp teaming up with TimelinesAI, there are lots of cool things you can do. Here’s to making better connections, talking more easily, and giving customers the best experience ever!


Integrating ActiveCampaign with WhatsApp through services like TimelinesAI brings a ton of marketing possibilities. It puts your messages directly into your audience’s personal chats, making your marketing more personal. This means your messages don’t get lost in crowded email inboxes but are right where your customers are every day.

By following the easy steps to set up this integration, you can have more meaningful conversations with your customers. Whether it’s sending special deals, getting feedback, or giving quick customer support, every message on WhatsApp can make a big difference in engaging customers, building loyalty, and getting more sales.With TimelinesAI, integrating ActiveCampaign with WhatsApp becomes a smoother experience, empowering you to elevate your customer engagement strategies effectively. Schedule your first call now!

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