How to Use Telegram AI Chatbots for Your Business?

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Telegram isn’t just another messaging app. With 800 million monthly active users worldwide, it’s a leading platform offering unique features for businesses. These include secure messaging, massive file-sharing capabilities, flexible group structures, and easy chatbot integration.

Chatbots have become game-changers for businesses. A whopping 69% of users appreciate the quick reply times offered by digital assistants, while 90% of businesses report faster complaint resolution thanks to chatbots. 

These AI-powered bots automate communication and user engagement, taking a significant load off your business. In this guide, we’ll talk about how you can use Telegram AI chatbots to benefit your business and how you can create one. Let’s take a deep breathe and get started.

What is a Telegram Chatbot?

Imagine a tireless assistant who can handle interactions with your customers on Telegram 24/7. That’s essentially what a Telegram chatbot is. It’s a computer program powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can simulate conversation within the Telegram messaging platform. These chatbots, especially the more advanced ones, use a subfield of AI called Natural Language Processing (NLP) to achieve this functionality.

But how do Telegram bots work? Here’s a breakdown:

Automated Responses: Chatbots are programmed to respond to specific user queries or commands. This can involve providing information, answering FAQs, or guiding users through a particular process.

Conversational Interaction: While some chatbots offer just menu-driven options, more advanced ones can hold basic conversations. They use NLP to understand natural language to some extent, allowing for a more interactive experience. 

NLP helps the chatbot interpret the intent behind a user’s message and respond in a relevant and natural-sounding way.

Task Completion: Beyond basic communication, Telegram chatbots can be designed to perform specific tasks. This could involve booking appointments, processing orders, or collecting customer data.

So, you understand what a Telegram chatbot is, but how can it benefit your business?

Why Choose Telegram Bots for Your Business?

Here’s how a Telegram chatbot will boost your customer service, marketing, and sales:

Automate customer service and answer queries efficiently 24/7

Imagine this: it’s 2 AM, and a customer has a question about your product. With Telegram bots, you can provide instant support, even outside of business hours. That’s because bots can answer frequently asked questions and handle basic requests any time of the day. This is a huge perk for businesses with global customers or those operating across time zones.

Faster response times mean happier customers. A study even found that 29% of bot interactions occur outside regular business hours. 

Send instant notifications about promotions to increase brand awareness

Telegram bots can broadcast promotional messages, updates, and offers directly to your subscribers. These instant notifications will keep your brand top-of-mind and drive traffic to your business.

For instance, a clothing store chatbot could send out a message about a flash sale or a new product line. A restaurant chatbot could use it to announce a special menu or happy hour.  

Essential bot scenarios and commands for solving customer issues

You can set up specific commands and scenarios within your Telegram AI chatbot to address common customer issues. This means you don’t have to answer the same questions repeatedly, freeing you up for more complex tasks. It’s a win-win – your customers get their questions answered quickly, and you save time and resources.

Improving customer service through seamless communication

Telegram bots are all about smooth communication. They allow you to have real-time conversations with your customers, which helps you resolve their concerns efficiently. This builds trust and keeps your customers happy. 

As the business author Michael LeBoeuf said- “A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.”

Cost-effectiveness by reducing the need for manual customer support staff

By automating customer service with Telegram AI chatbots, businesses can significantly reduce reliance on manual support staff, leading to cost savings in the long run. Moreover, bots can handle multiple inquiries simultaneously, further optimizing resource utilization.

Generating leads and gathering customer information

Telegram bots can be used to generate leads by engaging users in interactive conversations and collecting valuable customer information. This data can then be used for targeted marketing campaigns and personalized communication.

According to a study, around half of marketers worldwide said that providing personalized experiences increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. In other words, that personal touch keeps people coming back for more.

Enhanced Customer Support with Integrations

Integrate your Telegram bot with CRM or ticketing systems. This synchronizes your customer interactions and streamlines how you handle support requests. It keeps everything organized so you can track inquiries, resolve issues quickly, and keep your customers happy.  

We’ve covered the benefits of using Telegram chatbots for business. Now, let’s get down to brass tacks and guide you through the process of creating your own bot.

How to Create a New Telegram Bot for Your Business?

Let’s get started on crafting your very own Telegram bot.

1. Open the Telegram app and search for “@BotFather.” This special bot helps you create and manage your own bots.

2. Start a chat with BotFather. Send the command “/newbot” to begin the creation process.

3. BotFather will ask you to choose a name for your bot. This is the friendly title users will see during conversations. Pick something descriptive and memorable.

4. Next, select a username for your bot. This is how users will find and interact with it. Remember, usernames must end with “bot” and be unique.

5. Once you confirm the username, BotFather will send you a message containing a special access token. This token is like a secret key that allows you to control your bot. Keep it safe!

6. Now comes the fun part: giving your bot its personality! You’ll need to write code to define how your bot responds to user messages. There are libraries available in various programming languages (like Python) to help you build your bot’s logic.

If coding isn’t your forte, don’t worry! Several online platforms, such as ManyChat, Chatfuel, Flow XO, and BotPenguin, allow you to create bots without writing a single line of code. These platforms often use a drag-and-drop interface to set up commands and responses.

7. Before launching your bot on the world, put it through its paces. Send it messages, test its responses, and refine its logic until it operates smoothly.

8. Once you’re happy with everything, share your bot’s username with your customers or channel members. They can then search for your bot by username and start interacting with it.

Ta-da! Your Telegram AI Chatbot is up and ready to go!

Also, if you’re comfortable with coding, Telegram’s API allows creating a bot from scratch, providing more customization.

Created your chatbot? Great! Now, you need to add it to your Telegram channel so your subscribers can interact with it. Here’s a quick guide on how to do that.

How to Add and Use Telegram Chatbot With Your Channel?

  1. Open your Telegram channel and tap “Manage Channel” through the three-dot menu.
  2. In the channel info screen, tap on “Administrators.”
  3. Select “Add Administrators” from the menu.
  4. In the search bar, type in your bot’s username (the one ending with “bot”) and select it from the search results.
  5. You’ll have the option to set permissions for your bot. Ideally, for most functionalities,  you’ll want to grant it all the available permissions.
  6. Save changes to finalize adding your bot as an administrator to your channel.

Remember: Keep your bot’s purpose clear and its responses helpful. The more value it brings to your subscribers, the more successful it will be!

But Hey, Why are Chatbots on Telegram so Popular?

There are several reasons why Telegram AI chatbots have become so popular:

Open Platform: Unlike some messaging apps, Telegram allows for easy integration of third-party bots. This opens the door for a vast array of chatbot functionalities for businesses.

Large User Base: With 800 million active users, Telegram gives businesses a wide audience to reach with their chatbots.

Advanced Features: Telegram supports features like large-file sharing, payments, and group chats. This makes it a versatile platform for businesses to build chatbots that can handle complex tasks.

Focus on Security: Telegram is known for its focus on user privacy and security. This makes it an attractive platform for businesses handling sensitive customer data.

By using these strengths, Telegram has become a breeding ground for innovative and helpful chatbots that enhance the user experience and help businesses to operate more efficiently.

Now that you know why Telegram chatbots are popular, you might be curious to explore some of them. Here are a few Telegram bots to consider adding to your messaging experience.

Top 7 AI Chatbots on Telegram 

Telegram has a vast array of bots that can enhance your messaging experience. Here are seven helpful bots on Telegram to consider:

Skeddy Bot: Never miss a beat with Skeddy Bot, your personal task and reminder manager on Telegram. Simply type in your task or reminder and set a deadline, and Skeddy Bot will ensure you don’t forget. It integrates seamlessly with your schedule, allowing you to set reminders for specific times or dates. 

PollBot: Need to get quick feedback from a group? No sweat! PollBot lets you create polls with multiple-choice options right in your Telegram chats. Share the poll with your group members and see the votes roll in. PollBot is a fantastic tool for gathering real-time opinions and making informed decisions.

IFTTT: Automate tasks and connect your Telegram experience to a whole new level with IFTTT Bot. This bot acts as a bridge between Telegram and various web services and apps. You can create custom applets to trigger actions in Telegram based on events happening in other services. For instance, you can set up an applet to receive a Telegram notification whenever you get a new email.

Feed Reader Bot: Stay up-to-date with the latest news and articles from your favorite websites and blogs using Feed Reader Bot. Simply add the RSS feeds of your preferred sources to the bot, and it will deliver the content directly to your Telegram chat. This is a convenient way to stay informed without having to visit multiple websites.

Zoom Bot: Schedule and join Zoom meetings directly within Telegram using Zoom Bot. This bot allows you to create new meetings, share meeting links, and even start meetings instantly. It’s a great way to keep everything centralized within Telegram for a smooth video conferencing experience.

Trello Bot: Manage your projects and tasks on the go with Trello Bot. This bot integrates seamlessly with your Trello account and helps you create new cards, add checklists, and update the status of existing tasks. You can also use the bot to search for specific cards and boards within your Trello workspace.

Zoho Invoice: This bot allows you to create and send invoices directly within Telegram. You can add items to your invoice, set prices, and even include custom branding. Zoho Invoice also integrates with other Zoho services, such as Zoho CRM, making it a great option for businesses that already use the Zoho ecosystem.

Curious about how you can provide the best chatbot experience out there? Then the next section is for you.

How Can You Improve Experience while Using Telegram AI Chatbot?

Whether you’re a developer creating a chatbot or a user interacting with one, there are ways to improve your experience. Here are some tips that we have compiled for you.

For Developers/Bot Creators

Focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP): A strong NLP engine allows the bot to understand user intent more accurately. This reduces frustration caused by misunderstandings and makes interactions feel more natural.

Offer a Variety of Response Options: Don’t limit responses to just text. Integrate buttons, images, or even short videos to provide a richer and more engaging experience.

Personalize the Interaction: Whenever possible, personalize the bot’s responses based on user data and past interactions. This can make the bot feel more helpful and informative.

Provide Clear Instructions: Make sure users understand how to interact with the bot effectively. Include a welcome message with instructions or offer mini-tutorials within the conversation.

Allow for Feedback: Let users give feedback on how your bot is doing. Use this information to refine conversational flows, improve response accuracy, and create a better overall experience.

Don’t be afraid of off-loading: If the bot reaches its limits, provide a way to connect users seamlessly with a live customer service representative.

Monitor Bot Performance: Analyze account statistics like message volume, response times, and user engagement. This helps you identify areas for improvement and fine-tune your bot’s features.

For Users

Understand the Bot’s Capabilities: Don’t assume the bot can do everything. Learn about its functions to get the most out of it.

Use Clear and Simple Language: When interacting with the bot, phrase your requests clearly and avoid overly complex sentences.

Be Patient with Learning Bots: Some bots, especially those under development, might make mistakes. Be patient and provide feedback if necessary.

Explore Different Bots: There are many Telegram bots with various functionalities. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find the ones that best suit your needs.

By working together, developers and users can create a more positive and productive experience when using Telegram AI chatbots.

Now, how about we look into some inspiring examples showcasing the power of bots in various business applications?

Examples of Business Use Cases for Telegram Bots

Telegram bots offer a powerful tool for businesses across various industries. Here are some inspiring examples to spark your imagination:

E-commerce: A clothing store’s Telegram AI chatbot can recommend styles, sizes, and complementary items, guiding users through the purchase journey and even helping with secure checkouts.  It can also provide real-time order tracking and delivery updates.

Travel and Hospitality: Travelers can ditch bulky guidebooks. A smart hotel bot can offer 24/7 support, book spa treatments, arrange housekeeping, or answer FAQs about amenities, attractions, and restaurants.  Airlines can use bots for flight searches, ticket booking, and itinerary management, sending boarding pass updates, and managing any travel changes.

Customer Support: Say goodbye to long wait times!  A tech company’s bot can diagnose common issues, guide users through troubleshooting steps, or escalate complex problems.  An insurance company’s bot can allow customers to access policy details, report claims, track resolutions, and get quick answers to their questions.

Media and Entertainment: News organizations can use bots to deliver curated content based on user preferences. Imagine a bot that delivers sports news to a sports fan or business news to a finance guru.

Entertainment companies can create interactive experiences with bots. Think quizzes, trivia challenges, or even simple games, all within the Telegram app.

Education and Learning: Language learning apps can use bots to deliver personalized practice sessions. Students can converse with the bot, receive feedback on pronunciation and grammar, and track their learning progress.

Educational institutions can create bots to answer FAQs about admissions, courses, or campus life, providing 24/7 support to prospective and current students.


Telegram chatbots offer a powerful tool for businesses to enhance customer service, automate tasks, and gain valuable insights. Using Telegram’s large user base, open platform, and advanced features, businesses can create chatbots that improve efficiency, streamline communication, and provide a more engaging user experience.

Whether you’re a developer creating a Telegram AI chatbot or a business owner looking to use this technology, this guide has equipped you with the knowledge to get started. By following the tips and best practices outlined above, you can create a successful Telegram chatbot that delivers real value for your business and your customers.

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