Pipedrive & WhatsApp Integration: Automate Deal Updates via WhatsApp with TimelinesAI

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Imagine this: a deal inches closer to closing, a task is marked complete in Pipedrive, and your client instantly receives a notification through their preferred channel – WhatsApp. This seamless communication, achieved through the powerful integration of Pipedrive and WhatsApp, eliminates the need for manual updates and keeps everyone in the loop.

This blog post delves into how this integration empowers businesses to automate deal updates, enhance customer experience, and ultimately secure more deals. Explore below how you’ll be able to automate your WhatsApp message with Pipedrive.

1. Andare al sito web di Zapier

lunedì integrazione di WhatsApp

2. Cliccare su "Crea".

integrazione WhatsApp di monday.com

3. Fare clic su "Zap".

lunedì integrazione di WhatsApp

4. Fare clic sul pulsante "Trigger

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

5. Digitare "TimelinesAI".

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

6. Fare clic su "TimelinesAI".

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

7. Type “New incoming chat”

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

8. Click on “New Incoming Chat”

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

9. Nella stessa finestra, fare clic su "Account".

immagine 15

10. Cliccare su "Accedi" per collegare il proprio account TimelinesAI.

integrazione WhatsApp di monday.com

11. Click on the “Action” button

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

12. Type “Pipedrive”

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

13. Click on Pipedrive

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

14. Type “Create activity”

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

15. Click on “Create Activity”

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

16. Click on “Account”

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

17. Click on “Sign in”

pipedrive WhatsApp integration

18. A new window will open, allowing you to enter your Pipedrive account’s credential

pipedrive WhatsApp integration


By integrating Pipedrive with TimelinesAI, businesses unlock a world of benefits. Automated WhatsApp notifications, ensure timely updates, automate lead nurturing, improve client satisfaction, and free up valuable time for sales teams to focus on closing deals. Looking ahead, this integration paves the way for even more sophisticated communication workflows, leveraging the power of AI to personalize messages and further strengthen client relationships. Learn more about the Pipedrive and WhatsApp integration: https://timelines.ai/pipedrive-and-whatsapp-integration-playbook/

FAQs: Pipedrive & WhatsApp Integration: Automate Deal Updates via WhatsApp with TimelinesAI

Can I send automated messages for other Pipedrive activities?

Yes, TimelinesAI allows automation for various Pipedrive activities, not just Deal task completion.

How can I customize the WhatsApp message content?

TimelinesAI offers message templates with customizable fields to personalize notifications.

Does the integration require any coding knowledge?

No, the integration between Pipedrive and TimelinesAI is designed to be user-friendly and doesn't require coding skills.

Can I track the delivery and open rates of the WhatsApp messages?

Yes, TimelinesAI provides analytics to track message delivery and open rates.


Can I integrate TimelinesAI with other CRM platforms besides Pipedrive?

Yes, TimelinesAI offers integration with various popular CRM platforms.


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