How to Integrate WhatsApp with Mailchimp for Messaging?

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Multi-number WhatsApp management and integration platform


Imagine you’ve crafted the perfect email campaign. It’s catchy, informative, and leaves your customers wanting for more. But as you know, inboxes can be overflowing battlegrounds for attention.  Here’s the question: how do you ensure your message cuts through the noise and sticks with your audience?

Mailchimp WhatsApp Integration creates a communication channel that offers a solution to this very problem. It lets you combine the broad reach of email marketing with the real-time engagement of WhatsApp.

Integrating these platforms requires a third-party service. This guide will take you through the process of integrating Mailchimp and WhatsApp and how that can benefit your business. 

What is Mailchimp?

Mailchimp is a comprehensive email marketing platform that allows you to create professional-looking email campaigns without needing design expertise. Beyond email marketing, it provides various features like landing pages, sign-up forms, and integration with e-commerce and CRM platforms to enhance marketing efforts. 

Its analytics and reporting tools give insights into campaign performance, helping businesses refine their strategies. In essence, Mailchimp streamlines your email marketing efforts, allowing you to connect with your customers in a more meaningful and impactful way.

Now that we’ve nailed down what Mailchimp brings to the table, let’s understand how combining it with WhatsApp can help your business.

What are the Benefits of Mailchimp WhatsApp Integration?

By integrating these two platforms, you create a dream team for customer engagement. Here’s how it can help your business:

Enhanced Customer Engagement

Let’s face it- people check their phones constantly. By integrating WhatsApp, you get to chat directly with your audience, making interactions more personal and engaging. Send timely updates, newsletters, or exclusive offers from Mailchimp right into the palm of their hands through WhatsApp messages.

Оптимизированная коммуникация

Combine the efficiency of email marketing with the immediacy of WhatsApp messaging. This means you can quickly send out important updates or responses, ensuring your audience always stays in the loop.

Automated Workflows

We’ve all got ghosts in our email lists – those who haven’t opened anything in ages. Integration allows you to set up automated triggers. For instance, if someone hasn’t opened your business emails in a while, send a friendly reminder on WhatsApp to re-engage them. It’s a gentle nudge to remind them why they loved your brand in the first place.

Segmented Messaging

Mailchimp’s segmentation features allow you to target specific groups within your audience. When integrated with WhatsApp, you can tailor your messaging even further, ensuring that the right people get the most relevant information.

Improved Analytics

Track your engagement across both platforms in one place. Understand how your audience interacts with your emails and WhatsApp messages. Then, use these insights to refine your marketing strategy.

Increased Engagement

We all know emails can sometimes get buried. However, WhatsApp has an impressive open rate (98%!). By integrating the two, you can send targeted email campaigns with a clear call to action- a link to a WhatsApp chat for further information or exclusive offers. This increases the chances of your message being seen and acted upon.

Got all that? Great! Now, let’s start with the Mailchimp WhatsApp integration.

How to Integrate Mailchimp and WhatsApp?

Businesses can integrate Mailchimp and WhatsApp through several third-party platforms. In this blog, we’ll do it using TimelinesAI and its seamless integration with Zapier. So let’s get started.

How to Integrate WhatsApp and Mailchimp using TimelinesAI?

First, sign in to your TimelinesAI account and ensure your WhatsApp Business profile is connected. Then start with the integration process.

Generate Token

  1. Open the Zapier tab within TimelinesAI.
  2. Generate and copy the unique token displayed. This connects TimelinesAI with Zapier.

Create a Zap and Connect Mailchimp in Zapier.

  1. Log in to your Zapier account and click on “Create.”
  1. Click on “Zaps” and then click on the “Trigger” button.
  1. Then, choose the app that will trigger the automation. Since we want Mailchimp events to initiate the WhatsApp message, select Mailchimp as the “Trigger App.”
  1. Once you choose Mailchimp, a side window will open where Zapier will display a list of events. Here, you can type and select the desired event that will start the automation. For this blog, let’s go with “Email Opened” as an example.
  1. Click on “Email Opened” and then click on “Account.”
  1. Here, you can sign in to your Mailchimp Account.
  1. A new window will appear where you can connect your Mailchimp Account. 

Now Let Us Connect TimelinesAI with Mailchimp

  1. Click on the Action Button. Then type and choose TimelinesAI (Latest) from the drop-down.
  1. Click on the dropdown trigger under “Event.”
  1. A list of available actions will be displayed. For this blog, we will select  “Send Message to New Chat” as an example.
  1. Again, click on “Account” and then click on “Sign in.”
  1. A new window will open allowing you to connect your TimelinesAI account by entering your Token. (Remember the token you copied earlier!)

Once you are done connecting your TimelinesAI account with Mailchimp, test your Zap and ensure it works as expected. Once satisfied with the test, turn on your Zap to activate the integration.

Now, there are many ways to set up the Mailchimp WhatsApp Integration. So you must be wondering why TimelinesAI should be your option for it. In that case, keep reading.

Benefits of Integrating WhatsApp and Mailchimp using TimelinesAI

Here’s how the features of TimelinesAI and Mailchimp can come together to help your business-

Automatic Lead & Contact Syncing 

Using TimelinesAI, you can automatically sync new WhatsApp leads and contacts to Mailchimp. This effortlessly maintains your Mailchimp database with the latest information, eliminating the need for manual data entry. You can focus on your marketing efforts instead of managing data transfers.

Unified Communication Platform

TimelinesAI creates a unified platform for managing both WhatsApp conversations and Mailchimp CRM. This allows you to:

  1. Oversee chats, engage with contacts, and reply promptly – all from within your Mailchimp CRM.
  2. Merge multiple WhatsApp accounts into a shared inbox for streamlined communication.
  3. Access and review past WhatsApp conversations for valuable context in future interactions and building stronger customer relationships.
  4. Manage customer interactions on WhatsApp and follow up with targeted emails from Mailchimp – ensuring consistent messaging across platforms.

Data-Driven Insights & Refined Strategies

Ever wonder what can truly work with your audience? TimelinesAI provides in-depth analytics on your WhatsApp interactions. Combine that with Mailchimp’s campaign reports, and you’ve got a goldmine of insights. Use this data to identify what’s working, refine your strategies, and optimize your marketing funnel for maximum impact.

Team Collaboration and Efficiency

With TimelinesAI, you can organize your team into groups. This lets you easily control who has access to specific WhatsApp accounts and chats within your team. Combining this organization with Mailchimp’s segmentation capabilities ensures the right team members handle the right conversations and campaigns. This improves overall team efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Efficient Resource Management

By consolidating communication tools and channels into TimelinesAI, you can allocate resources more efficiently. The integration reduces the need for switching between different platforms, saving time and reducing the risk of overlooking important customer interactions.

Automated Personalized Messages 

TimelinesAI, combined with Zapier, lets you create personalized WhatsApp message workflows triggered by specific events in your Mailchimp CRM. Send automated welcome messages, follow-up reminders, or special offers – all designed to nurture leads and boost customer engagement.

So, TimelinesAI makes it all work together so that you can focus on growing your business.


Even though email might seem “old school” compared to WhatsApp, it still holds immense value.  Emails are a great tool for detailed information sharing, complex promotions, and long-term nurturing.  They’re a crucial part of any marketing strategy.  Mailchimp WhatsApp integration lets you blend these strengths of email marketing with the real-time engagement of WhatsApp.

Using TimelinesAI for this integration can add more value to your marketing and communication efforts. Strategically using the features provided by each of these platforms (WhatsApp, Mailchimp, and TimelinesAI) can help you nurture leads, drive engagement, and ultimately boost conversions. 

Remember, integrating Mailchimp and WhatsApp using TimelinesAI isn’t just about streamlining communications—it’s about elevating your marketing strategy to meet your audience where they are. Sign up for a free trial of TimelinesAI today!

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