Stay Informed on the Go: Set Up Real-Time Updates from Your Board to WhatsApp

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Imagine a world where your team automatically receives updates directly on WhatsApp whenever your board sees changes. This, my friend, is the future of streamlined communication.

Say goodbye to information silos and hello to a dynamic duo:

  • Effortless Automation: New updates on your board trigger automatic WhatsApp messages, keeping your team informed instantly. No more time wasted checking multiple platforms or chasing down updates.
  • Enhanced Communication: Critical information flows freely, ensuring everyone is always on the same page. Streamline workflows and decision-making with real-time updates delivered straight to their pockets.
  • Boosted Efficiency: Remove the friction of constantly checking in. This integration allows your team to focus on what matters, knowing they’ll be notified promptly of any changes.

This isn’t just an integration; it’s a collaboration revolution. Imagine:

  • Sales reps receiving instant notifications about new leads assigned to them.
  • Designers getting immediate alerts when project requirements change.
  • Managers staying on top of progress reports delivered seamlessly through WhatsApp.

The possibilities are endless. This powerful combination transforms how your team stays connected and informed, boosting productivity and ensuring everyone is working towards the same goals.

Explore below how you can do this by following the steps in automating your WhatsApp messages for new updates in your board:

1. Under “Choose a Trigger”, click on the “When this happens…” dropdown button

Connecting with WhatsApp

2. Type “New update in board” WhatsApp integration

3. Click on New Update in Board

WhatsApp integration

4. Under “Choose an Action”, click on the “automatically do this!” dropdown button and WhatsApp integration

5. Type “Send message to new chat”

WhatsApp and integration

6. Click on Send Message to New Chat

Synchronizing with WhatsApp

7. Click on Connect My Apps

How to integrate and WhatsApp

8. Click on Open New Update in Board in

Synchronizing with WhatsApp

9. Click on Sign in

WhatsApp and integration

10. A new window will open allowing you to enter your API v2 Token and WhatsApp integration

11. Click on Open Send Message to New Chat in TimelinesAI

WhatsApp integration

12. Click on Sign in WhatsApp integration

13. A new window will open allowing you to enter your Token

Connecting with WhatsApp


Empower your team with real-time awareness. By automating WhatsApp notifications for board updates, you unlock a new level of seamless collaboration. This integration streamlines communication, eliminates information gaps, and fosters a more efficient and informed work environment. Embrace the future of connected workflows and watch your team’s productivity soar. Learn more about WhatsApp and CRM integrations.

Learn more about additional automations:

FAQs: Automated WhatsApp Notifications for Boards

What is this feature about?

This functionality allows you to automatically send WhatsApp messages whenever there's a new update on a specific board within your account.

What kind of updates trigger the messages?

It can be configured to send notifications for various events, such as:

  • New items being added to the board
  • Changes made to existing items (e.g., status updates, assigned personnel)
  • Due dates approaching or being missed

How does/would it benefit my team?

  • Real-time awareness: Team members are instantly informed about crucial changes, eliminating the need to constantly check the board.
  • Improved communication: Ensures everyone stays on the same page and can react promptly to updates.
  • Increased efficiency: Reduces time spent checking for updates and allows them to focus on their tasks.

Can I customize the content of the automated WhatsApp messages?

Yes, you typically have the ability to personalize the message content to a certain extent.

    • Including specific details: You can incorporate information from the board update itself. This could be the item name, assigned person, or relevant details from specific columns.
    • Crafting the message body: You can tailor the overall message content to provide context and necessary information about the update.

How do I set up automated notifications?

You can do this by simply following the steps we have provided above for you!

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Omnichannel Automation Platform

TimelinesAI helps businesses with multiple individual numbers gain 360° visibility & boost performance on WhatsApp.


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