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Assigning a chat to a particular teammate

How chats are assined by default

New chats from Whatsapp are coming Unassigned by default. The chat may be re-assigned to any team member in the workspace.

In case if the teammate sends the first reply to the unassigned chat, that chat will be automatically assigned to that teammate. It can be re-assigned manually as it’s described below.

A responsible teammate can be assigned to an individual chat as well as to a group chat.

Assign a chat

How to assign chats

To assign a chat to yourself or someone else:

  1. Hover over a chat you want to assign
  2. Click the Assign icon in the floating menu on the right
  3. Choose the person from the list
  4. Press Assign

To assign several chats to a person at once:

  1. Select several chats by check-marking on the left side of particular chats
  2. Press the Assign button in the top menu
  3. Choose the person you want to assign from the list
Assign multiple chats

To assign a chat from the Contact Info:

  1. Go into a chat and navigate to the Contact Info section on the right
  2. Click Responsible to see a drop-down menu
Screen Shot 2021 10 27 at 12.28.50 PM

3. In the drop-down menu select a teammate you want to assign a chat to.

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The selected user will receive an email and in-app notification, so this feature may be useful to set tasks to manage specific chats.

You can unassign a chat from the same drop-down menu in the chat view.

Note: You need to have other team members in your workspace for this to work. You can invite team members into TimelinesAI using the Team menu.

Tip: Assign feature combines well with the custom Assign filter. You can set a custom list that will display chats assigned to a specific teammate in a separate tab (e.g. display only chats assigned to “Katrine” or “Josh”, etc.).
Learn how to create custom Chat Filters here

Tip: Your team members may upload their profile icons in the My Profile tab. It will help to distinguish the chat ownership at a glance.

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